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Complaint No. : FMS/CMT-1714
Project Name BBMP - FMS Complaint Raised Date 04-06-2014
Subject Tax Deducted_No Receipt Number to Generate Receipt
Complaint / Requirement

I paid the tax to BBMP online on 02/06/2014 and the amount got deducted from my account too, but I did not get the message that the transaction was successful with the receipt number.  I sent a mail to bmpsas@bbmp.gov.in but still haven't received any response from them whatsoever.  After 48 hours wait today when I checked in the BBMP tax payment of 2014-15, message showed that it was paid.  Now, how can I get my receipt generated.  My SAS Number is 442009037.  Please provide a solution for this problem as soon as possible.



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Sumithra J - 11-06-2014 11:06:26

Deputy Commissioner (Revenue Department) -Mr.  I Ramakant

Contact No: 080-22975555, 9480683121,

Email: dcrev@bbmp.gov.in

       Advisor IT: Sheshadri T,

Contact No: 080-22133029, 9480683131,

Email- itadv@bbmp.gov.in

You can also contact  - Head Office Control Room No: 080-22221188

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